Recording & Lecture Capture

Want to learn more about creating engaging lecture recordings? (coming soon).

What is Kaltura?

MiVideo is the name of Michigan's video streaming service, powered by Kaltura. You may have heard "Kaltura Classroom," "Kaltura Capture," and "Canvas Media Gallery," as all point to the same place:

Below is a brief description of each tool and how they work together as a video streaming solution.

If you want to request lecture capture, please click this link.

MiVideo is where all of your videos go that were recorded using Kaltura Classroom or Capture. You can also upload any other video file (including Zoom recordings) Want to try it out? Click here.

Kaltura Capture is a program that records videos and uploads them to MiVideo. You can record a webcam and your monitor, or two different monitors. Want to learn more about it? Click here.

Kaltura Classroom is our new lecture capture system replacing Panopto. All recorded lectures (in a lecture hall) will go to the course Canvas site in the Media Gallery. Want to learn more about it? Click here.

The "Media Gallery" is a direct link to MiVideo. It allows you to add videos and embed them in Modules. You can also ask students to share videos in the Media Gallery as well. Want to learn more about Canvas? Click here.

Interactive Transcripts are caption files generated by MiVideo that highlight text as it is being read. Users can also click on a specific piece of text to jump to that point in the video. Want to learn how to create these transcripts? Click here.